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This website is published by Antoine ROY | blindesign headquartered at:
57 allée 31 rue de Trianon – 37100 Tours – France
818 204 836 RCS Tours
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Head of publishing: Antoine ROY

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OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

The blindesign™ website and all the elements are the propriety of Antoine ROY | blindesign and his clients. Any reproduction and/or public display and/or retransmission, in whole or in part, on any electronic or other medium now existing or developed in the future, is thus prohibited without the express prior authorisation of Antoine ROY | blindesign.

A link directing to blindesign™ website cannot be installed without prior written consent of Antoine ROY | blindesign. Besides, Antoine ROY | blindesign declines all liability for the content of website that link directly or indirectly to blindesign™ website.

Website created by Antoine ROY | blindesign